Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hey look - it's a Blog!

I've been a writer all my life. So what took me so long to set up a Blog? It started as a kid. Writing stories and poems. I wrote a whole series of adventures about "Little Cuss" - our sailboat's tender. When I saw Disney's Robin Hood - the animated one where they're animals - I wrote my own adventures about life after the movie. And then I remember the comic book series came out and I was like "WRONG. That's not what happened with them!" LOL! I wrote limericks - which I later found out must have been genetic. The Holland name started in the Limerick county of Ireland! I wrote countless journals - mostly about boys, of course. And then I wrote songs. More just blurted thoughts that completed compositions. I think I have about 100 halfwritten songs and maybe 20 to completion.

So why Blog? I guess it's the modern equivalent of all those journals. All those scribbled thoughts. But then those were never meant to be seen by others eyes. So will I be as honest as I was then? We'll see.