Saturday, November 7, 2009

Website FUN!!!

So when I was modifying my biz website I somehow accidentally clicked on my personal website and no clue how but randomly deleted several folders of photos and graphics :-/ It also duplicated everything remaining TWICE - WTF?

So now it's either figure out what's missing or redo it and since I haven't updated my site in so freaking long, figured it was time. I'll still have some of the older pages but the main page will be new, the format, etc. I figure once I get it the way I want I can "synch" the computer and online files so it'll erase all the dupe crap.

Today was one of those headache days. I also managed to drop something down into where the lint screen goes for the dryer. And of course, with a load of wet clothes ready to spin - yay! So now it's taking the dryer apart which I'm fearing as I am not the least bit mechanical :( Sigh...

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